What is 5G?
5G is the abbreviation for 5th Generation, a technology standard for broadband cellular networks.
The “G” is the abbreviation for Generation, and the numbers 1 through 5 represent the generation number. Generations 1, 2, and 3 (1G, 2G, and 3G) are now considered obsolete. Generation 4 broadband technology has been the standard until cellular phone companies began deploying 5G in 2019.
There are actually two types of 5G:
Sub 5G = frequencies below 8 Ghz, which is actually more similar to 4G.
High Band 5G = frequencies above 8 Ghz (to 200 Ghz) which will carry more data, require more antennas and new costly infrastructure. The health effects for high band 5G are largely unknown.
Many people find it difficult to understand technical terms such as Ghz. What does Ghz mean? Ghz is the abbreviation for gigahertz. This term is part of a measuring system used to help us understand the length of a frequency. A frequency is the number of waves that pass through a fixed place at any given time.
Frequency lengths can be measured in both the metric and imperial systems, though the metric system is more commonly used for these measurements. For example, 8 Ghz (8 gigahertz) refers to a "wave" (transverse wave) that measures approximately 3.8 cm in length.
When we talk about 5G in the 8 Ghz range, we understand that the size of the 5G 8 gigahertz wave is approximately 3.8 cm in length. If we are talking about 5G in the 30 Ghz range, the wave size is approximately 10 mm (millimeters) in length. These waves are known as "millimeter waves."
"Millimeter waves (high band 5G) are frequencies above 24 GHz. The higher the frequency of the radio waves, the shorter the length of each wave. Due to the high frequency of millimeter waves, the range is limited to 300-500 feet, making it difficult to penetrate buildings." (Reference)
5G Antennas & Transmitters
There are various ways 5G antennas and transmitters are installed:
Monopole Towers stand from 40 to 200 feet tall and are built from a single tubular mast. These towers require only one foundation. The antennas and transmitters are attached to the exterior at the top of the cell tower.
Stealth Monopole Towers are monopole towers that are disguised to appear as objects such as a tree, light pole, flag pole, tall cactus, billboard, etc. Most stealth monopole towers are not very well disguised, however there are some stealth monopole towers that are very well hidden and often detectable only with an RF meter to reveal the presence of the radiation emitted from the tower.
Small Cells are as the name suggests - RF antennas and transmitters that are smaller in size than their macrocell counterparts. These smaller cells can be placed in a wide range of places including roof tops, sides of buildings, on top of utility poles, street lights, signs, etc. The three types of small cells are called Femtocells, Picocells, and Microcells.
Lattice Cell Towers are free standing framework towers constructed similarly to the Eiffel Tower. They are typically between 200 and 400 feet tall. A Guyed Cell Tower, or Guyed Mast, is a 200 - 300 foot tall lattice tower that is dependent upon guy lines for its stability.
Here are some things to know about 5G:
Presently, your greatest 5G exposure will come from your own 5G devices such as appliances, 5G cell phones, and other 5G wireless devices in your home or workplace. If you do not want this exposure, do not buy 5G products and devices, and do not allow them in your home or workplace.
It is estimated that there will be more than 1.7 billion 5G subscribers by 2025 (according to the GSM Association).
Ironically, many people who do not want 5G are inadvertently helping to fund 5G when they pay for their mobile phone service each month.
There is a lot of concern from doctors, scientists, and many others that 5G will cause harmful health effects not only to humans but also to animals, insects, and actually the entire Earth’s ecosystem.
The video below features Dr. Devra Davis with the Environmental Health Trust discussing detailed information about 5G. For additional information from Dr. Davis about 5G, please visit the Environmental Health Trust website.
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