EMF Pet Health


What is your pet trying to tell you?

The world's leading EMF scientific animal studies show clear evidence for cancer from pulsed microwave radiation emitted from cell phones, cell towers, Wifi, and wireless devices. 

If you are concerned about your pet's EMF health, let us test the areas in and around your home where your pet spends the most time to help give you the peace of mind about your pet's harmful EMF exposures.

CALL NOW for your Free consultation.

Like humans, animals suffer the harmful health effects of all four types of human-made electromagnetic fields: AC Electric fields, AC Magnetic fields, radio frequency (RF) microwave radiation, and dirty electricity (D.E.). Although pets do not usually talk on a cell phone, they are exposed to the RF radiation emitted by cell phones, cell phone towers, WiFi routers and other wireless devices. 

There are two sources of EMF's: Natural and Human-Made. The natural sources of EMF's are the type the earth produces and are used by animals, bees, birds, etc., for navigation. Human-Made EMF's are artificial and cause harmful health effects in laboratory studies.

In many EMF consultations, it is not surprising to find a dog or cat bed within a few feet of wireless devices while the pet is sleeping on the other side of the room or house away from the WiFi and wireless devices where the levels tend to be lower. 

Pets don't have a lot of choices when they are living in a home filled with high levels of EMF's. Subjected to these high EMF fields, our pets do what they can to move away from the fields. If you have pets it is important for you to know the safe EMF zones in your house, and also to know about the areas that are not safe for your pet so that you can reduce or eliminate the harmful EMF radiation exposures in those areas.

The way to know for sure if your home is EMF safe for your pet is to test and measure to determine what the actual EMF radiation levels are in the home. It is important to test for all four EMF types: (1) AC electric fields, (2) AC magnetic fields, (3) RF Radio Frequency, (4) Dirty Electricity. 

CALL NOW for your Free consultation.

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