Smartphone Addiction 

According to Verizon Wireless, American's spend an average of 5.4 hours per day on the smartphones. That's more than a day and a half (37.9 hours) per week, nearly 7 days per month. Think about that!  An entire week every month lost to smartphone addiction.

Like all addictions, smartphone addiction is a brain disease and almost every advance in brain research impinges directly or indirectly on the study of addictions. (Goldstein, 2001). 

Smartphone addiction symptoms and warning signs include:

Have you already tried to kick your smartphone addiction but for some reason just have not been able to do it? You want to stop being so completely dependent and tethered to the smartphone, but every time you try to quit you just fall right back into the same seemingly hopeless no escape patterns of "where's my phone?" lifestyle.

What are some of the effects of smartphone addiction?

When you’re glued to your phone, you miss out on quality time with friends or family and exciting experiences. There are other negative effects of excessive smartphone usage, including the following:

Mental health issues: Studies prove that excessive smartphone use can lead to anxiety and depression. Adolescents who were addicted to their smartphones were more likely to experience chronic stress and low emotional stability.

Quit smartphone addiction today. It's time.

Kind Words from our Clients...

I could not have done this on my own. I feel so free now.

~ Sandra S.

I didn't realize how addicted I was. Glad to be rid of it.

~ Bob D.

This is something I should have done years ago! 

~ Karen P. 

This addiction is no joke. I could never just be without my phone. What bondage.

~ Elena M.

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